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Asus chromebook vs. probook: which laptop rules the school and workplace?

My name is Michael, and I am passionate about all things laptops. With years of experience as a technology journalist and reviewer, I have an in-depth understanding of the latest and greatest laptops on the market.

What To Know

  • The choice between an Asus Chromebook and a ProBook ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences.
  • However, if you require versatility, powerful performance, and comprehensive connectivity for demanding applications, a ProBook would be a wiser choice.
  • It is generally not recommended to install Windows on a Chromebook due to hardware compatibility issues and potential performance problems.

The world of laptops has witnessed a fierce rivalry between Asus Chromebooks and ProBooks, each powered by distinct operating systems: Chrome OS and Windows 10. This blog post delves into the depths of this technological duel, examining their key differences and guiding you towards the ideal choice for your computing needs.

Operating System: Chrome OS vs Windows 10

Chrome OS: Simplicity and Efficiency

Chrome OS is a lightweight, cloud-based operating system designed for speed and simplicity. It revolves around Google’s Chrome browser, offering seamless access to web apps and cloud-based storage. Chrome OS devices are typically more affordable and excel in tasks like browsing, emailing, and basic productivity.

Windows 10: Versatility and Power

Windows 10, on the other hand, is a full-fledged operating system with a vast software ecosystem. It provides users with a wide range of options, including desktop apps, productivity suites, and powerful editing tools. Windows 10 devices are generally more expensive but offer greater flexibility and control.

Performance: Chromebooks vs ProBooks

Chromebooks: Adequate for Basic Tasks

Chromebooks are powered by low-power processors and rely on cloud-based storage, which limits their performance for demanding tasks. They are primarily suitable for everyday activities like web browsing, email, and document editing.

ProBooks: Superior Performance

ProBooks, equipped with more powerful processors and ample local storage, offer superior performance for demanding applications. They can handle tasks such as video editing, graphic design, and multitasking with ease.

Battery Life: Chromebooks vs ProBooks

Chromebooks: Extended Battery Life

Chromebooks excel in battery life, often lasting up to 10-12 hours on a single charge. Their energy-efficient operating system and reliance on cloud-based storage contribute to their impressive battery life.

ProBooks: Moderate Battery Life

ProBooks generally have shorter battery life compared to Chromebooks, typically lasting around 6-8 hours. Their more powerful hardware and local storage requirements affect their battery life.

Connectivity: Chromebooks vs ProBooks

Chromebooks: Wi-Fi Focused

Chromebooks are primarily designed for Wi-Fi connectivity, as they rely heavily on cloud-based services. They may have limited options for wired connectivity.

ProBooks: Comprehensive Connectivity

ProBooks offer a wider range of connectivity options, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, and USB ports. They provide greater flexibility and support for peripheral devices.

Security: Chromebooks vs ProBooks

Chromebooks: Enhanced Security

Chrome OS is renowned for its robust security features. It receives regular updates, has built-in antivirus protection, and utilizes sandboxing to isolate apps from the operating system.

ProBooks: Windows Security Suite

ProBooks rely on Windows 10’s security features, which include antivirus protection, firewall, and user account control. However, they may be more vulnerable to malware and viruses due to the wider software ecosystem.

Price: Chromebooks vs ProBooks

Chromebooks: Budget-Friendly

Chromebooks are typically more affordable than ProBooks, ranging from a few hundred dollars to around $500. Their low hardware requirements and cloud-based focus contribute to their cost-effectiveness.

ProBooks: Premium Pricing

ProBooks come with a premium price tag, starting from around $500 and going up to several thousand dollars. Their powerful hardware, versatile software, and enhanced features justify their higher cost.

Summary: Making the Right Choice

The choice between an Asus Chromebook and a ProBook ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you seek simplicity, affordability, and long battery life for basic tasks, a Chromebook might be the ideal fit. However, if you require versatility, powerful performance, and comprehensive connectivity for demanding applications, a ProBook would be a wiser choice.

Questions We Hear a Lot

1. Which operating system is better, Chrome OS or Windows 10?

The choice depends on your needs. Chrome OS offers simplicity and security, while Windows 10 provides versatility and power.

2. Are Chromebooks good for students?

Yes, Chromebooks are excellent for students due to their affordability, durability, and cloud-based focus, which supports collaboration and learning.

3. Can I install Windows on a Chromebook?

It is generally not recommended to install Windows on a Chromebook due to hardware compatibility issues and potential performance problems.

4. Which is better for gaming, a Chromebook or a ProBook?

ProBooks are better for gaming due to their more powerful hardware and dedicated graphics cards. Chromebooks are not designed for gaming.

5. Are ProBooks more secure than Chromebooks?

ProBooks and Chromebooks offer different security features. Chromebooks have built-in security protections, while ProBooks rely on Windows 10’s security suite.


My name is Michael, and I am passionate about all things laptops. With years of experience as a technology journalist and reviewer, I have an in-depth understanding of the latest and greatest laptops on the market.
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