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Unleash The Power: Daisy Chain Monitors To Enhance Surface Pro 3 Productivity

My name is Michael, and I am passionate about all things laptops. With years of experience as a technology journalist and reviewer, I have an in-depth understanding of the latest and greatest laptops on the market.

What To Know

  • Daisy chaining is a method of connecting multiple monitors to a single video output port.
  • The Surface Pro 3 can only daisy chain a limited number of monitors, typically two or three, depending on the monitors’ power consumption.
  • The number of monitors you can daisy chain depends on the monitors’ power consumption and the capabilities of your Surface Pro 3.

Expanding your workspace with multiple monitors can significantly enhance productivity and streamline workflows. However, the Surface Pro 3’s limited number of display ports raises the question: Can Surface Pro 3 daisy chain monitors? This comprehensive guide will delve into the technical details and provide practical solutions to help you achieve a multi-monitor setup with your Surface Pro 3.

Understanding Daisy Chaining

Daisy chaining is a method of connecting multiple monitors to a single video output port. It involves connecting one monitor to the computer and then connecting subsequent monitors to the previous one, creating a chain-like configuration. This technique allows for the extension of display capabilities without requiring additional video ports.

Can Surface Pro 3 Daisy Chain Monitors?

Yes, the Surface Pro 3 can daisy chain monitors. However, it requires specific hardware and configuration to achieve this functionality.


To daisy chain monitors with your Surface Pro 3, you will need the following:

  • USB-C to DisplayPort Adapter: This adapter converts the Surface Pro 3’s USB-C port into a DisplayPort output.
  • DisplayPort Cable: A DisplayPort cable is required to connect the adapter to the first monitor.
  • Daisy Chain-Compatible Monitors: Not all monitors support daisy chaining. Ensure that the monitors you intend to use are daisy chain-compatible.


1. Connect the USB-C to DisplayPort adapter to the Surface Pro 3’s USB-C port.
2. Connect the DisplayPort cable from the adapter to the first monitor’s DisplayPort input.
3. Connect subsequent monitors to the previous monitor‘s DisplayPort output using DisplayPort cables.


If you encounter any issues while daisy chaining monitors, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check Cable Connections: Ensure that all DisplayPort cables are securely connected.
  • Update Graphics Drivers: Install the latest graphics drivers for your Surface Pro 3.
  • Enable Daisy Chaining: In some cases, daisy chaining may need to be enabled in the monitor’s settings.
  • Use a Different Adapter: If the USB-C to DisplayPort adapter is not working, try using a different one.

Benefits of Daisy Chaining

Daisy chaining monitors with your Surface Pro 3 offers several benefits:

  • Extended Workspace: Multiple monitors provide a larger display area, allowing you to open multiple windows and applications simultaneously.
  • Enhanced Productivity: With multiple monitors, you can easily multitask, compare documents, and streamline your workflow.
  • Improved Ergonomics: Daisy chaining monitors at different heights and angles can reduce neck strain and improve comfort.


While daisy chaining monitors with the Surface Pro 3 is possible, there are some limitations to consider:

  • Limited Number of Monitors: The Surface Pro 3 can only daisy chain a limited number of monitors, typically two or three, depending on the monitors’ power consumption.
  • Performance Impact: Daisy chaining multiple monitors can impact the Surface Pro 3’s performance, especially when running demanding applications.
  • Compatibility Issues: Some monitors may not be compatible with daisy chaining, and some adapters may not support all daisy chain configurations.

Alternatives to Daisy Chaining

If daisy chaining is not an option for your Surface Pro 3, consider the following alternatives:

  • Docking Station: A docking station provides multiple display ports, allowing you to connect multiple monitors without daisy chaining.
  • Wireless Display Adapter: A wireless display adapter allows you to connect monitors wirelessly to your Surface Pro 3.
  • USB-C Hub with Display Outputs: Some USB-C hubs include display outputs, enabling you to connect multiple monitors to your Surface Pro 3’s USB-C port.

Final Thoughts: Unleashing the Multi-Monitor Potential

By understanding the technical requirements and limitations, you can successfully daisy chain monitors with your Surface Pro 3. This versatile setup enhances productivity, improves ergonomics, and unlocks the full potential of your device. Whether you choose daisy chaining or an alternative solution, expanding your display capabilities will revolutionize your workspace and elevate your workflow.

Questions We Hear a Lot

Q: How many monitors can I daisy chain with my Surface Pro 3?
A: The number of monitors you can daisy chain depends on the monitors’ power consumption and the capabilities of your Surface Pro 3. Generally, you can daisy chain two to three monitors.

Q: Do all monitors support daisy chaining?
A: No, not all monitors are daisy chain-compatible. Check the monitor’s specifications to ensure it supports daisy chaining.

Q: Can I daisy chain monitors with different resolutions?
A: Yes, you can daisy chain monitors with different resolutions. However, the output resolution will be limited to the lowest resolution monitor in the chain.

Q: What is the best way to troubleshoot daisy chaining issues?
A: Start by checking the cable connections and updating your graphics drivers. If the issue persists, try using a different adapter or monitor.

Q: Are there any performance drawbacks to daisy chaining monitors?
A: Yes, daisy chaining multiple monitors can impact the Surface Pro 3’s performance, especially when running demanding applications.

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My name is Michael, and I am passionate about all things laptops. With years of experience as a technology journalist and reviewer, I have an in-depth understanding of the latest and greatest laptops on the market.
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